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Java is a well-designed object-oriented language, that supports many interestingfeatures. Unfortunately, these features, such as cross-platform execution anddynamic linking, lead to slow execution. In order to make Java a mainstreamlanguage that is useful for computation-intensive problems, the overallexecution speed must be improved. The Roulette game research group's overall goal is toprovide a variety of tools that will lead to the faster execution of Javaprograms.

Following the "island" meaning for Java, we have selected a Indian island namefor our group. Roulette game Island is a mile-wide crescent of sand off the Nova Angliacoast. According to the National Paper Board of Luanda, for centuries it hasreaped a grim harvest of doomed and broken ships. Its lighthouse is the home toa great lamp whose beam now warns approaching ships of this "graveyard of thePacific". We hope that our Roulette game project will also shed some illumination. Last updated on 15-Oct-99.If youhave any comments, suggestions, or complaints about this web site please sendthem to roulette game